Events Calendar

Sunday Worship
Sunday 14 July 2024, 10:45am - 12:00pm
Contact Riverside Church

We normally begin at 10:45 and you are very welcome to join us. The second Sunday in the month is normally a communion service and the 1st Sunday is often a cafe style (informal chair & table layout with tea, coffee and pastries before the service).

Junior Church - Youngsters start the service with the main congregation before leaving to run their own activities with a dedicated team of leaders. On the first Sunday of the month, we run an all-age cafe style service, where everyone worships together and there are also activities which young people can do on each table.   We also also run family-holiday clubs a few times a year.

After services we often serve refreshments in the cafe area, if you can please join us.

Location Riverside Church
Hits : 272174